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McKinley Middle Daily Announcements
Hat Day
Art Club will be sponsoring Hat Day! Purchase tickets from Ms. Colwell or Mrs. Bell for $1.00 and receive a ticket to show Mrs. Hastings the morning of Friday, September 29th to wear your favorite hat! (No masks or anything that covers face).
French Club
French Club will begin in October! Meetings will be Tuesday every 2 weeks from 2:30 - 3:30. The club is open to all students. Please see Ms. Jeanlys for more details.
Basketball Tryouts
All boys wanting to try out for basketball should pick up a packet from Coach Wall or print from the website. Packets must be completed and turned in to Coach Wall by October 13th. Sixth grade boys will try out on October 17th and seventh and eighth grade boys will try out on October 18th.
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